Bringing health to children: charitable initiative by Production and Logistics Center in Kadamjay
What could be more important than children's health? The answer is obvious. However, ensuring every child receives quality nutrition, especially in remote areas, is no small challenge. In the Kadamjay District of Batken Region, this challenge is being met through collective effort, with care and dedication.
Established in 2023 through an initiative by the United Nations World Food Programme and the Russian Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute, the Production and Logistics Center (PLC), built on the foundation of the "Biy Kok" cooperative, provides schools in the district with fresh, eco-friendly produce. In November and December 2024, the center went a step further by organizing a charitable campaign, delivering fruits and vegetables free of charge to schools and kindergartens across the district. The total value of this assistance amounted to 100,000 soms.
A boost for children’s health
At the Orozbai Makanov School, students are excitedly sharing stories about the delicious new dishes added to their menu thanks to the PLC initiative. The school cook, Gupbara Akmatova, describes the menu proudly: “On Mondays, we serve dairy-based dishes, and on other days, we prepare meals with vegetables or meat. The menu includes mashed potatoes, pasta with vegetables, and buckwheat porridge with potatoes and carrots.”
Here, school meals are more than just food; they are an investment in the children’s health and future. With the addition of fresh vegetables, meals have become more diverse and nutritious.
How it all works
The "Biy Kok" agricultural cooperative is an important hub for district development. Located at an altitude of 2,050 meters in the village of Shak-Shak, the cooperative cultivates organic produce without chemicals, relying solely on natural fertilizers. This commitment ensures that children receive only the best.
Myrzali Manasov, the cooperative member, explains: “We use manure to fertilize the soil so that we can grow eco-friendly products. Our goal is to provide the younger generation with organic, high-quality food. This charitable campaign is a part of that mission.”
Nuryla Koldosheva, the headmaster of Makanov School, expresses her gratitude: “The PLC’s campaign is a true lifeline. Our students are now enjoying nutritious, quality meals.”
This is just the beginning. The cooperative is actively working to introduce new potato varieties and continues to support schools across the region.
Looking ahead
The future holds even bigger ambitions. The PLC plans to expand its programmes to provide high-quality produce to even more schools. Meanwhile, the Kadamjay District Department of Agricultural Development promised to allocate additional land to the cooperative to support its growth.
Abdygani Zholdoshev, head of the Kadamjay Agricultural Development Department, shares: “We are supporting the cooperative so they, in turn, can help schools by supplying quality produce.”
Initiatives like this are not just about one-time assistance—they’re a long-term investment. Healthy nutrition lays the foundation for a successful future. When compassionate people take action, positive changes happen faster.
Based on materials from the BATKEN UTRK TV channel.