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For the first time in the history of School Feeding Programme in Tajikistan, The Best School Cook 2022 contest is being carried out

2022-11-10 16:50 Tajikistan
This summer, together with WFP, we launched the first school cook competition for the project in Tajikistan, which was announced among 2,000 schools participating in the WFP School Feeding Programme in 52 cities and districts.

The competition will be a great opportunity to inspire school chefs to improve their knowledge and skills in the art of preparing school meals, to prove themselves and show what they are capable of creating and serving a variety of delicious school meals.

Selection of contestants

We received 76 applications to participate in the contest from the most daring chefs who were not afraid of competition and decided to compete for the honorary title of the best school cook in Tajikistan. After a strict selection by the jury, 45 chefs representing five regions passed to the second stage of the competition: Bokhtar region (Vakhsh), Kulyab region (Kulyab), RRP (Rogun), Sughd region (Khujand), GBAO (Khorog).

Among the members of the impartial jury were a representative of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Tajikistan Kholmurod Alijonov, a representative of the Ministry of Education and Science Jamoliddin Amirov, a representative of the Institute of Nutrition under the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Population Orzu Rakhmonaliev, a representative of WFP in Tajikistan Nasrullo Ramazonov, and a representative of SIFI, senior teacher of the lyceum of tourism service, trainer-technologist Zulfiya Fayziyeva.

Taking into account the fact that not all participants have completed trainings on the technology of safe preparation of school meals under the WFP project and wishing to provide equal opportunities and conditions for participation for the contestants, we decided to conduct an online training seminar for all those who passed the next stage of the competition.

The seminar will be carried out on November 15, immediately before the start of the next qualifying round and will cover the following topics: safety rules for working in the school canteen, work with equipment and appliances, sanitation and hygiene standards.

Offsite qualifying round

Starting November 22, in each of the five regions, we will hold an offsite qualifying round, which will help identify the finalists to further fight for victory.

In each region, the event will be carried out at the school canteen. Competitors, divided into groups of 5-6 people, will have to cook two servings of soup and a hot dish from the Recipe Book for school meals in Tajikistan within an hour.

To evaluate the work of the participants, the jury will observe the cooking process, paying special attention to compliance with all sanitary standards and rules of work in the school kitchen, the ability to work with technological maps, and also taste ready-made dishes.

After the completion of all group sessions, the jury members will analyze the mistakes made by the contestants in cooking and sum up the results. Out of all 45 participants, only five contestants with the highest scores will advance to the finals of the cooking competition, which will be carried out in mid-December this year.

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