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Tajikistan selects Best School Cook 2023

2023-06-30 17:01 Tajikistan
Together with the UN World Food Programme and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection of the Republic of Tajikistan, we are announcing the second Best School Cook competition among schools where the School Feeding Programme is implemented.

We invite all cooks who wish to assert themselves and demonstrate their culinary skills in preparing healthy school dishes to join the competition!

Competitors will receive gifts, certificates of participation in a national competition, valuable advice from school feeding gurus, and, most importantly, the opportunity to win Tajikistan’s Best School Cook 2023 title.

To participate, the cook should:

  • Complete the application form, mentioning the school where he/she works (the school should participate in the School Feeding Development Programme)
  • Submit the application and a mini-essay explaining why he/she wants to participate in the competition to in the CC field through August 31

Based on the applications, the jury will select 50 participants for the semi-final. This stage of the competition will be held on-site. In each region of Tajikistan (Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast, Khatlon, and Sughd Regions, and Districts of Republican Subordination), participants will be requested to prepare meals in school canteens. The best candidates will make it to the final, which will be held in Dushanbe.

About Competition

For the first time, the Best School Cook competition was held in 2022 and received positive feedback from the participating cooks, school headmasters, and the organizing committee. As part of WFP's largest SIFI-supported school meals programme in Tajikistan, the competition provided an opportunity for school cooks nationwide to prove themselves and demonstrate their skills in preparing high-quality school meals.

“This competition helped boost our motivation. When I reached the semi-final, I could not even dream about victory. With more such competitions, all school cooks will participate and improve their knowledge and skills,” says Maftuna Ummatova, Tajikistan’s Best School Cook 2022.

Participants’ enthusiasm reaffirmed the organizers’ determination to announce the second Republican Best School Cook competition in 2023.

For more information about conditions of participation, please call +992 937224444 or send a message to