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Repair works are started in pilot schools of Tajikistan

2018-08-13 14:45 Tajikistan
For schoolchildren, summer holidays are an opportunity to have a rest from school days, gain strength and enthusiasm for the new school year, but for the schools themselves it's a time of transformation!

Under the implementation of School Feeding Pilot Projects canteens of 50 pilot schools in Tajikistan undergo the repair works. All necessary materials are provided by UN WFP with the technical assistance of SIFI. The workforce is provided by representatives of local authorities, school administrations and students' parents.

When all the repair works will come to an end new modern equipment is to be installed in school canteens, so that children can get tasty and hot meals every day during the school year.

50 schools participate in the pilot projects: 35 schools in Khatlon region, 15 schools in Rogun and Rasht, Nurabad, Tajikobad and Lakhsh.