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The Interdepartmental Coordination Council on school feeding was carried out in Tajikistan

2018-12-18 12:36 Tajikistan
At the session the analytical report "Development of school feeding sustainable models" prepared by our Institute in cooperation with the WFP under the School Feeding Programme in Tajikistan was presented.

The recommendations presented in the report will form the basis of the regulatory framework for the organization of school feeding. Members of the Council also discussed the current results of the Sustainable School Feeding Development Strategy implementation, noting the significant role of SIFI and WFP in achieving them, and implementation of the Action Plan of Programme of Pilot Projects for the development of school feeding in cities and districts of the Republican Subordination and Khatlon region.

By now 50 school canteens have been repaired and re-equipped with modern equipment, in the near future new furniture will be delivered to the canteens. After that trainings on school feeding organization for directors and canteen staff of pilot schools will be conducted.