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Digestive Health Month announced in schools of Chuy district and Osh city

2023-04-28 17:16 Kyrgyzstan
From April 24 to May 11, together with UN WFP we will hold an educational campaign dedicated to maintaining health with the help of a well-balanced diet for 1100 primary school children. The campaign coincides with International Family Day (May 15) and International Digestive Health Day (May 29), the most important holidays celebrated as part of the National School Feeding Programme in Kyrgyzstan.

Festive events will be organized in three different formats designed to teach little ones and their parents to opt for balanced nutrition to maintain good health.

The month will kick off with interactive homeroom hours. Teachers will use materials developed using modern interactive educational methods based on an animation film titled “Secret Laboratory inside us or How our body digests food.” The animation was created in 2022 by UN WFP and SIFI to explain the process of digestion in a simple and comprehensive way.

Parents, in turn, will have an opportunity to attend seminars offered by experienced nutrition specialists, who will provide essential information regarding healthy eating. In addition, with the help of printed and video materials, the parents will learn how to feed children with delicious and healthy dishes.

Digestive Health Month will end with a family festival at the Kant School-Gymnasium №1 named after D. Zubkov, Chui region and school № 27 named after 24th Party Congress in Osh city for children and their parents. The day dedicated to digestive health will be held in a quest format. The teams of parents and children will examine the entire digestion process and perform tasks related to it. The bravest, fastest, and those who learned the lessons will win!