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SIFI monitors went "to the fields" of Kyrgyzstan

2018-07-02 14:53 Kyrgyzstan
Under the UN WFP development programme for optimization of school feeding the monitors investigate five years' implementation experience of the pilot project on transition to the improved models of school feeding in the Kyrgyz Republic schools. Results of the monitoring will allow to consider positive and negative experience of the solution of problems arising by preparation of schools during transition to hot meals.

One of the first schools in monitoring is Ch. Aitmatov high school No. 69 of the village of Zarbdar in the Osh region. 552 students of elementary school study here. Such a responsibility to organize regular hot meals for such number of little children.

And the headmaster managed. Even when there's no electricity in the village, children get their lunch. They enjoy tasty pilaf from the cauldron. There is a self-made fireplace in the school kitchen which was carefully provided by the headmaster for such cases.