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We started the monitoring of school canteens in Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Syunik marzes

2018-06-05 15:07 Armenia
Finally summer has come. For all schoolchildren in Armenia, this means that they can finally get rest from the school. For our team - it's time to get prepared for the field works.

This year SIFI team headed by the project manager in Armenia Oksana Zotova went to Vayots Dzor, Ararat and Syunik marzes to assess the schools in which, to date, hot meals have not been organized because of the poor condition of the kitchens and canteens.

Today the situation with school feeding at the investigated schools is critical. For three years, day by day children are given with the same cookies and juice instead of diversified menu necessary for the growing children's organism.

Such model of feeding organization was launched three years ago, as a temporary measure, until the school finds an opportunity to repair or reconstruct the kitchen unit. However, the time has passed, and the food situation has not changed. Meanwhile, the sum of the present "lunch" is equal to the average cost of hot meals — 120–140 dramas.

Based on the results of the monitoring, our specialists will determine what kind of repair work is necessary to ensure that children in every school in these three marzes finally receive a hot lunch.