These days, a special - healthy atmosphere reigned during the classes. 540 fourth graders, with the help of their teachers, learned the basics of healthy nutrition: what foods to choose to maintain their health, which ones are best to limit, where the foods come from, which ones are processed and which ones are not, what is sugar, and why is it harmful in too large quantities.
In addition, each school lesson was accompanied by short physical breakes - physical exercises that help relieve fatigue from long sitting at a desk, recuperate, and give rest to muscles and hearing organs. At home, each student had to fill in a healthy habit tracker, which helps to gradually accustom a child to a healthy lifestyle and make it a healthy habit.
School canteens these days delighted children with a variety of delicious and healthy dishes. Borsch, Vitamin Orzu Salad, Pumpkin Cadushavla, Vegetable Stew - all dishes were prepared from affordable, natural products according to the School Meals Recipe Book, developed by SIFI in collaboration with WFP. Thanks to this menu, the school's chefs were able to make sure in practice that, according to the recipes from the book, you can cook a variety of delicious dishes from quite affordable local products. And the parents of the pupils saw that the varied and tasty school meals are liked by the children and are good for them.
To acquaint schoolchildren with the peculiarities of the dishes served, the vitamins and nutrients they contain, the walls of the school canteen were decorated with bright posters.
For school №25, the final day of the Healthy Nutrition Week ended with a vivid interactive performance and a master class on making healthy sweets.
Together with the main characters of the play "The Mysterious Crime in Kitchenville", the guide Yana the Apple and the detective Potato Mash, the children solved a terrible crime - the abduction of vegetables and fruits from the main symbol of Kitchenville - the Tree of Life. During the performance, the children consolidated the knowledge they had learned during the Healthy Nutrition Week. Together with the heroes of the scene, children did exercises, learned how to wash their hands correctly and with pleasure. And at the end of the event, they learned that a favorite sweet - candy - can be useful, and themselves prepared such sweets at the master class.
The final event of the Healthy Nutrition Week was attended by special guests: representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tajikistan, WFP representatives in Tajikistan and the SIFI team.
Everyone noted the importance of such a holiday for raising awareness of the population about the School Meals Programme carried out in Tajikistan since 2013.