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Practical seminar on creating a centralized model for the supply of agricultural products for school feeding was carried out in Kyrgyzstan

This year, in the Keminsky district of the Chui oblast, the Logistics Center was built under the FAO project "Developing Capacity for Strengthening Food Security and Nutrition in Selected Countries of the Caucasus and Central Asia" with assistance of our institute.

The main idea of the project is to create a well-functioning scheme for the interaction of farmers and education institutions (schools, kindergartens, hospitals) in purchasing products for canteens. The center allows to buy local agricultural products, store them, conduct laboratory quality control and centrally deliver them to schools.

The seminar was carried out to inform all parties interested in the project - the district authorities, school headmasters, agricultural producers and entrepreneurs of the district - about how to properly organize the functioning of the logistics center and laboratory.

Anatoly Maksimov, representative of our Institute and Marlen Tynaliev the FAO project coordinator spoke about the project itself, its aims and tasks, as well as link with school feeding. And the representative of Kemin Sanitary-Epidemiology Inspectorate Centre shared details about the control of the quality of products and organization of the laboratory work.

After the official part, the participants visited the Logistics Center itself, which is almost ready. They were shown vegetable storages and a laboratory in which it is planned to control quality of supplied products.

More detailed information about the project you can find on our website: