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The presentation of a new menu for pilot schools of the Khatlon region was carried out in Tajikistan

2019-03-05 12:13 Tajikistan
In the center of competence in Rudaki four options of a new school balanced menu were presented. Each option allows to diversify the diet with new products and enrich it with the necessary for the growing child's body micro- and macroelements were presented to the pilot schools headmasters, representatives of parent committees and local education departments. Depending on the size of the parents voluntary contributions, the cooks from the pilot schools will be able to feed young schoolchildren with more varied, tasty and healthy meals.

The speakers of the event were the chief pediatrician of the Republic of Tajikistan Sherali Rakhmatulloev, the representative of the "Nutrition" Research Institute under the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies Jakhon Azonov and the technologist of the Russian Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute Igor Kharkov.

The four menu options will vary the diet. Each option offers a different set of products for different price. As a result, the proposed rations exceed the current one in nutritional value and composition.

All the guests had an opportunity to taste the dishes from the offered menu. Igor Kharkov spoke in detail about the technology of cooking the meals that can be prepared from products, based on the national culinary preferences of the local population.