The event was attended by Minister of Education and Science Gulmira Kudaiberdiyeva, Counselor-Envoy of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kyrgyz Republic Chekmazov Vadim, head of the WFP country office Andrea Bagnoli and the representatives of regional and local authorities.
In Krasnorechensk secondary school there are 1765 students, 726 of them are pupils of elementary school. Before the school was included in the pilot project, the students had just buns and tea for lunch. Now the menu has become diverse and nutritious. Today for example children enjoyed millet porridge with pumpkin, vegetable salad, bun, and compote of dried fruits.
Parents are very glad to see the school in the pilot project. Anna Asanovna, grandmother of ten grandchildren, two of whom study in Krasnorechensk school in grades 3 and 4, says that children like hot meals and after such breakfast they go to classes with enthusiasm. Parents see great benefits of school participation in the Programme and ready to support the organization of school feeding for their children. And not only in words, but also making the feasible financial assistance to increase the nutritional value and variety of ration.