Participants of the training will study all the issues of the legislative basis for conducting business activities in schools, get acquainted with tools for market research and analysis, production management, and determining the value of their products for sale.
For almost 9 years now, we have been working with WFP on school feeding system development in Tajikistan, trying different models of school feeding. Also we try to help schools replenish their extra-budgetary fund itself. For example, by selling surplus crops of vegetables and herbs from a school greenhouse. The money earned from the sale goes to the organization of school meals: payment for the work of cooks, electricity, purchase of food.
But not all school headmasters and school feeding staff understand how to manage such a system, how best to organize work to get the most out of a school greenhouse or bakery.
That is why we, together with WFP and other partners, have developed a series of training sessions for them “Doing Business in Schools”. From now on there will be more professionals in organizing school meals!