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New bakery was opened in Tajikistan in support of School Feeding Programme

2021-09-24 16:00 Tajikistan
In Isfara, Sughd Region, UN WFP and SIFI partnered with local authorities to inaugurate a new bakery under the project to support the School Feeding Programme in Tajikistan. The bakery will serve freshly baked bread for lunch to nearly 14,000 students from 45 schools.

This is one of eight bakeries that WFP and SIFI has renovated and built in Tajikistan.

“Thanks to partnership with the Russian Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute, we are able to carry out the bakery construction and renovation.
Advanced technology and new equipment mean bread can now be made faster, cheaper and of better quality. Investments like these not only contribute to children’s health and development, but also provide more jobs for local communities whose lives have been impacted by the current socio-economic challenges in the country,” said WFP Representative, a.i., Hyun Ji (Angie) LEE.

Across the country, WFP has constructed and renovated a total of eight bakeries in partnership with SIFI and the private sector, benefiting 111,000 primary schoolchildren in 338 schools. The bakeries are in Panj, Yovon districts in Khatlon Region, and Bobojon Ghafurov, Spitamen, Jabbor Rasulov, Devastich districts, and Istaravshan and Isfara towns in Sughd Region.

School feeding is WFP's largest operation in Tajikistan, supporting half a million young students in 2,000 schools across 52 rural districts and towns. For many vulnerable families and communities, hot healthy and nutritious school meals are often the only reliable source of food for their children. Evidence has shown
that school meals contribute to better nutrition, improved health as well as increased access to education for children.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Deputy Minister of Education and Science Republic of Tajikistan Nurali Sobirzoda, representatives of the UN WFP and the Consulate General of the Russian Federation in the Sughd region, SIFI representatives, as well as officials of the Sughd region and the city of Isfara.