From an early age, it is important to teach children the correct eating behavior: from the whole variety of foods, choose those that are really good for health and those that can be harmful. This is how a solid foundation is laid for a growing organism and for the child's successful life. If the nutrition system is built correctly, then the child receives healthy development, both physical and mental. From a series of webinars from qualified nutritionists under the Campaign parents will learn more about how to build a balanced diet for a young school child, how and what can be cooked. Webinar recordings will be available on the school feeding portal:
Children will be taught the basics of healthy eating in the format of interactive classes in school. Teachers will talk about the benefits of healthy breakfasts and the role of plant foods in the diet. An interactive format will help children to more easily perceive information and consolidate what they have learned through thematic games in the classroom.
In the Osh region, the campaign will end with a sports event that will unite adults and children in achieving one goal - to jointly prepare fresh and healthy lemonade. To do this, children will need to go through a series of challenges, related to the topic of healthy eating, and win all the ingredients of a healthy drink that parents will prepare.
The campaign is expected to reach more than 870 primary school students and their parents.
For information
The International Day of Families was established by the UN General Assembly in 1993 and is celebrated annually on May 15 to draw the public attention to family problems and raise the importance of the family as a unit of society.
The educational campaign "Journey to Healthy Eating" touches upon one of the aspects of the life of every family with children: healthy nutrition of a schoolchild, which certainly contributes to his harmonious physical and mental development, and therefore a prosperous future. The activities are carried out under the UN WFP Project "School Meals Optimization in the Kyrgyz Republic”.
The project has been operating since 2013. In partnership with the UN WFP and the Russian Social and Industrial Foodservice Institute, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic is working to improve school meals. By 2022, all schools in the country are planned to be switched to hot meals.