Today we're glad to share the latest news. The greenhouse is working! The coronavirus pandemic and the quarantine declared in the country couldn’t stop people from taking care of the plantings and get an excellent harvest.
Throughout this period two responsible from the school staff has been working in the greenhouse. Both employees passed special training on greenhouse work and planting care organized by the UN WFP. They were also consulted by a representative of a company supporting the greenhouse operations in the school.
All the efforts were not in vain - the greenhouse is already bearing fruit: tasty and juicy tomatoes of the mahitos variety and ripe aromatic strawberries.
While the school is closed, the entire crop goes for sale. It is sold to stores by wholesale and by retail at the market. The harvest is also bought by workers themselves.
In September, the main crop, of course, will go to school meals, only surpluses will be sold.
In addition to improving the school menu, the proceeds from the sale of funds the school will purchase seeds and equipment for the greenhouse. The school can also spend these funds on kitchen utensils, updating the dining room, or other school needs.
Summer will pass, and the greenhouse will continue its work. Together with the greenhouse, the WFP installed a solar station on the school’s territory, which collects energy for heating the greenhouse in the winter, and will also help to replenish the cost of electricity for preparing school meals.
We hope that the schools will open in September and the children will enjoy a delicious school lunch, complemented by fresh tomatoes and strawberries from the school greenhouse.