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The “Best school cook awards” contest is carried out in Armenia for the first time

2022-04-18 17:00 Armenia
SIFI, together with UN WFP and the School Feeding and Child Welfare Agency, announces “Best school cook awards 2022” contest.

Every day of the school year, people who feed young schoolchildren tirelessly work in the school kitchen. With special care and warmth, they cut vegetables, cook fragrant hot soup, and arrange dishes on plates. All in order to see the satisfied kids’ smiles and hear the cherished “thank you!” as a result of such a necessary and noble work.

School cooks deserve to be recognized for their work. This idea lies at the heart of the competition - to show unconditional importance of the school cooks profession and inspire everybody who is cooking for school children to put the soul into it, bring a variety to school menus and approach to work with creativity.

All interested employees of school canteens who are included in the National School Feeding Programme in eight regions of the Republic of Armenia (Ararat, Vayots Dzor, Syunik, Tavush, Shirak, Aragatsotn, Gegharkunik and Lori) are invited to take part in the contest.

The contest is held in two stages: the qualifying round and the final. After the qualifying round, five winners will be selected and  will advance to the final of the contest. The winners will receive valuable prizes and certificates of participation, and their competitive dishes will be recommended in school meals.

For participation in the “Best school cook awards” contest  the cook should submit an application from the school where  s/he works. 

Detailed information about the competition, rules and requirements for registration of applications can be found by following the LINK. 

Qualifying round starts from April 18, 2022 to July 31, 2022, till 12:00 p.m

Dates of nomination the finalists : from July 1 to September 30, 2022

The final round of the contest will take place in December 2022.

All questions about the contest can be asked by writing to email address: 

The Сook contest would become an important part of the National School Feeding Programme in Armenia, which has successfully joined marz after marz since 2014 in order to feed primary school children with balanced hot meals at the expense of the state. To date, the Programme has already covered eight marzes of the Republic.

Since 2017, school cooks have been regularly trained in the technology of safe preparation of school meals. The “Best school cook awards” contest will provide an opportunity for school cooks from all over Armenia to demonstrate their professional skills in designing, preparing and serving school meals that meet all the standards of safe school meals and children’s love.