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Schools in Chui and Batken regions celebrate World Food Day

2023-09-11 15:24 Kyrgyzstan
From September 11 to 28, the UN WFP in Kyrgyzstan and SIFI are conducting a marathon festival in Kyrgyzstan. Primary school children and their parents in the Chui and Batken regions will enjoy an edutainment campaign on healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

The agenda includes interactive homeroom hours and cooking masterclasses for children, nutrition seminars for parents, a quest for passing at home with children, and the gala event – a family festival with games, contests, photo zone, and gifts.

The main goal of the campaign is to teach the young generation to take care of their health from an early age and to educate parents about healthy and balanced nutrition so that they serve as an example for their children and inspire them to make life a lot better.

Teachers will conduct the homeroom hours to explain which products to use in meals and which should be limited. The children will also gain an understanding of a balanced diet and learn how to cook simple, tasty, and healthy dishes.

During seminars, the parents will discuss how to maintain their children’s health and instill healthy eating habits. They will also learn to create a well-balanced diet and cook meals while preserving the nutritional value of the food.

The family festival will allow the children and their parents to demonstrate their knowledge and even earn unique coins for participation in games and contests. The coins can be later exchanged for thematic prizes – recipe books for children and parents, books and calendars with stories about hygiene and healthy nutrition, and a collection of games for boosting physical activity.

The campaign is timed to coincide with World Food Day, celebrated worldwide on October 16 to commemorate the founding of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (UN FAO). Its main goal is to promote global awareness about food safety and action to ensure a healthy diet and lifestyle for all.