Donor funding (RF):
25 mln USD
Governmental funding:
3 mln USD

WFP Project
470 schools
51 000 beneficiaries
National School Feeding Programme
605 schools
51 000 beneficiaries
The UN World Food Programme "Development of Sustainable School Feeding in Armenia" project implemented with technical support from SIFI has been implemented in Armenia since 2010.

The project aimed to provide a nutritionally balanced hot meal for school children in the most vulnerable regions, with the programme embedded in national priorities and budgets. The project has become a success, and Russia considered it as a example for a broader, more strategic partnership with WFP.

Look at how the work on setting up the National School Feeding Programme in Armenia began back in 2010 and what significant results have been archived by 2016
National School Feeding Programme: As Began
One of the important Assessment's results - the list of products, provided by WFP was completed with rice, pasta, and buckwheat that enabled to diversify school rations according to child's nutrition needs.
Since the beginning the ultimate goals of the project were to:

  • Support the food security and education of children through the provision of school meals, and
  • Support the Government of Armenia in developing and operating a sustainable national school feeding programme embedded in national policies and budgets.

The first step for SIFI to make was to conduct comprehensive school feeding assessment in order to identify main problems and existing gaps.

This Assessment included visits to selected schools and review of infrastructure facilities, sanitary conditions and administrative gaps as well as survey of the rest of schools.

The Assessment laid the ground for designing National School Feeding Strategy. In order to make this strategy effective, our experts analyzed and considered current legislative framework, procurement, funding and safety issues.
336 schools were provided with basic kitchen equipment to ensure conditions for hot feeding
In August 2013, after developing the entire context and elaborating comments from all stakeholders, the Strategy on Sustainable School Feeding was endorsed by the Government, which lays down the regulation and coordination functions of government structures and schools. Since that time SIFI works in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education in order to provide the most effective work in operating regions.

The first take-over from WFP was in the 2014 - 2015 school year in three regions - Vayots Dzor, Syunik and Ararat.

Based on the Assessment the individual kitchen plans were designed, 336 schools were provided with basic kitchen equipment to ensure conditions for hot feeding. The Assessment results helped the schools to improve their food preparation, as well as water and sanitation facilities by active support from local authorities and parents.

Before the project was taken over, SIFI carried out training for school administrations using training materials developed by our experts. As well the school feeding manual developed by the government through SIFI's support was distributed to all the schools. Since this time SIFI continuously assists the Government through:

  • Series of trainings and study visits to Russia for school headmasters and cooks
  • Advocacy activities, such as brochures for parents and teachers on healthy eating as well as carrying out games and performances for children
  • Regular monitoring of schools, participating in National Programme
  • Facilitating the development of school gardens and cooperation with local farmers.
  • Coverage
    School feeding introduced into more than half of the schools in Armenia

  • Decrease in drop-out rates
    Increased and more regular attendance of children
  • Advantages for education
    Children's concentration and self-confidence during learning activities improved
  • Parents participation
    Increased parent inputs of seasonal fruits and vegetables and cash contributions
  • Infrastructure development
    Kitchen/cafeteria facilities and sanitary-hygienic conditions in schools improved
  • Participation of community
    Growing local engagement in school feeding

Based on the results achieved, the Government of Armenia decided to expand the National Programme and from September, 2017 included Tavush marz into the National School Feeding Programme. It means that all schools now receive budget allocations of 140 dram\per child for provision of hot meals to the schoolchildren of 1-4 grades.

In 2017 first time in the history of the project implementation the WFP, UNDP, Children of Armenia Fund, Fund for Armenian Relief, Armenia Territorial Development Fund (ATDF) have joint their efforts in assisting Government with school canteens renovation and provision of all schools with new kitchen equipment.

In 2018 we've gathered the second coordination meeting of donors to coordinate their work and to help schools of Shirak and Aragatsotn to organize hot meals.

We strongly believe that in the nearest future all of first grade schoolchildren will be ensured with the high quality, balanced hot meals, cooked in school canteens with the appropriate state of infrastructure.

December 2024
  1. Seeds of future: how school gardens promote unity and inspiration
  2. Vanadzor school garden becomes symbol of triumph: 2024 success story
  3. Health and creativity celebration: Yerevan hosts Healthy Lifestyle Ambassador 2024 competition awards ceremony
  4. Kids Cooking for Kids: Armenian cookbook shortlisted for 2025 Gourmand Awards
  5. Healthy lifestyle ambassadors: camp where dreams come true
  6. Milk as source of strength: building healthy future for schoolchildren
  7. School meals in Brazil: inspiring blueprint for Armenia’s School Feeding Programme
  8. Delicious, nutritious, and straight from the heart: winning recipes from Healthy Lifestyle Competition
  9. Pumpkin: sunny vegetable for family health
  10. Spending time wisely: 5 interactive games for young nature explorers
  11. The Adventures of Potato Mash in Jungleshire. Continuation of the adventures of the Kitchenville heroes.
Since 2013 we issue Newsletter of School Feeding in Armenia to keep you updated on the Project achievements
Issue 23/2024
Yerevan hosts Healthy Lifestyle Ambassador 2024 competition awards ceremony
Issue 22/2024
Bright future for school meals
Issue 21/2023
Kotayk marz celebrates World Food Day
Issue 20/2023
The UN World Food Programme officially handed over the management of the
School Feeding Programme in Armenia to the government
Issue 19/2023
Schoolchildren dive into a fairytale about plants on World Food Day
Issue 18/2022
Donor meetings in Armavir and Kotayk marzes on joining the National
School Feeding Programme
Issue 17/2022
National School Feeding Programme covered two more marzes
Issue 16/2021
WFP launches whole wheat bread production programme in Armenia
Issue 15/2020
10th anniversary of School Feeding Programme in Armenia
Issue 14/2020
Ideas of summer recipes with national dishes from herbs, a garden — entertainment
for children and help to parents
Issue 13/2020
Aragatsotn joined the National School Meals Programme
Issue 12/2019
What's wrong with milk froths, boiled onion and broccoli?
Issue 11/2018
The National program provides food to half the marzes of the country
Issue 10/2018
How school gardens can diversify the diet of schoolchildren and improve the standard of living of the local population
Issue 9/2017
7,500 more schoolchildren will eat delicious and healthy hot meals
Issue 8/2017
Fund for the Sustainable Development of School Nutrition Created in Armenia
Issue 7/2017
School feeding as a cause to bring together representatives from different countries and professions
Issue 6/2016
Expansion of the National School Feeding Programme
Issue 5/2015
About the results of hot feeding launch in Ararat region
Issue 4/2015
School feeding during the summer break
Issue 3/2015
In Russian only
Issue 2/2014
In Russian only
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