Donor funding (RF):
17,1 mln USD

The WFP's School Meals Programme has begun in 1999 and is the largest among the programmes implemented by WFP. SIFI became the WFP's technical partner in 2013 and from this date started the technical assistance to the Government in setting up National School Meals Programme in addition to the direct food provision.

As the main achievement for this period we consider the adoption by the President of Tajikistan the Strategy for Sustainable Development of School Feeding in the Republic of Tajikistan for the period until 2027.
The WFP School Meals Programme provides daily feeding to over 370,000 schoolchildren in more than 2,000 schools (over 60% of the total schools) in rural areas of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Jointly with the national authorities we identified two regions (Khatlon and Sughd Regions) and selected 8 schools to start with the practical creation of school feeding system. These schools were renovated, thanks to the assistance of local authorities and new kitchen equipment were installed.
Of course we did not forget about staff, most of them never used such kind of equipment, which is why conducted trainings for cookers and kitchen workers. They learned all theoretical aspects, rules and norms of school feeding, food quality and safety as well as how to use new equipment and what cooking methods should be used for children's feeding.
In Nurek city (Khatlon region) we met the huge interest of local authorities in establishment of school-based mini-bakery and found the perfect school with all necessary conditions. After preparatory work, assessments and evaluations, designing of technological plans of bakery and selection of bakery equipment, we help to school № 3 to undertake all repair works. WFP partners provided school with bakery equipment.
All staff has been trained. And the bakery started to work. Today the bakery provides bread and rolls for 2391 schoolchildren and 126 teachers in 11 schools.
But we decided not to dwell on it and establish the similar mini-bakery in the second pilot Region in city Rogun. Now the mini-bakery based in school №1 provides fresh bakeries for 1388 beneficiaries in 9 schools.
In order to confirm our approach with the scientific base we conducted different kind of researches and assessments:
  • Assessment of the micronutrient status of primary schoolchildren
  • Identification of micronutrient status of 588 schoolchildren based on hair
  • Comparative analysis of schoolchildren' consumption of chemical elements with water and food rations
  • Identification of deficiencies in vitamins and microelements
  • Development of proposals for the inclusion of fortified food products into the school menus.
  • Economic analysis and evaluation of various school feeding models
We prepared the proposals on school feeding models, taking into account the specific conditions of regions, promoting proper healthy eating skills as well as increasing the number of students provided with adequate nutrition.

Moreover, in order to provide effective implementation and progress of school feeding programme a variety of complementary works were completed:
  • Trainings for school headmasters and cooks, including theoretical and practical aspects of school feeding;
  • Development of menus and recipe calculator in order to diversify the school rations and improve their nutritional value;
  • Advocacy campaign to promote healthy feeding, with educational games and lessons on healthy eating included;
  • Development of the "Recipe Book for School Feeding in the Republic of Tajikistan». And we are very proud that our Recipe Book was awarded with Gourmand World Cookbook Awards 2017 and received the title of «Best in the world » in the category of «Food safety», and also received Jury's special award! The award ceremony was held in Yantai, China, on 27-28 May 2017.
In 2017 the new Agreement between WFP and SIFI was launched for the period of 2017-2018 and will include further development of National School Feeding Strategy and formation of the most effective school models through pilot projects in different regions of the country.
December 2024
  1. Gardens transforming lives: Tajikistan holds first-ever Best School Mini Garden competition
  2. Culinary battle for children’s health: Tajikistan’s Best School Cook 2024 competition
  3. Delicious transformation: new school canteens open their doors
  4. Secret of Six Tastes: Dushanbe celebrates World Food Day
  5. Driving change: outcomes of School Feeding Coordination Council field meeting
  6. School heart: Khuroson canteen becomes symbol of change
  7. Pumpkin: sunny vegetable for family health
  8. New Year’s table magic: making celebration safe for children’s health
  9. The Adventures of Potato Mash in Jungleshire. Continuation of the adventures of the Kitchenville heroes.
In 2015 we've issued the first Newsletter of School Feeding in Tajikistan. Ever since we keep you updated on the development of School Feeding Programme in the country.
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